City of Love2018, 60.96 x 121.92 cm
Jonathan Lyndon Chase Born 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Lives and works Philadelphia, USA.

Drawing from his everyday experiences, Chase examines the relationship between space and gender as social constructs; the ways in which gender identity is affected by our immediate environment and the dominant societal norms that exist within that space. For Sheets, Chase delves further into this idea of gender performativity, using spatial obscurity as a means of protecting his autobiographical subjects from the trappings of ethno-cultural stereotypes and societal expectations. Fragmented, multi-dimensional characters are placed within abstract and ambiguous backdrops, diminishing existing structures that forcefully define how conventionally masculine and feminine bodies are supposed to function in various settings - both indoor and outdoor, intimate and public.

Chase has received numerous awards from PAFA and the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, and was the recipient of the 2018 Artist-In-Residence from the Rubell Family Collection Contemporary Arts Foundation, Miami, FL. Chase has been included in exhibitions at the Rubell Family Collection Contemporary Arts Foundation, Miami, FL (2018-2019); Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke, VA (2018); California African American Museum, Los Angeles, CA (2017); Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA (2017); and The Bunker, Collection of Beth Rudin DeWoody, Palm Beach, FL (2017). Chase’s work resides in numerous public and private collections throughout the world including the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY;
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN; Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, FL; High Art Museum, Atlanta, GA; The Bronx Museum of the Arts, Bronx, NY; Buxton Contemporary Art Museum, Melbourne, Australia; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA; The Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA; Rubell Family Collection Contemporary Arts Foundation, Miami, FL; The Hort Collection, New York, NY; and the Beth Rudin DeWoody Collection, Palm Beach, FL.

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